To Change or not to Change (2)
Here is a thought that builds on the previous one about change and growth. There is no growth without change; there is no change without loss; there is no loss without pain. If the above statement is true, then that gives us a clue as to why we have an inbuilt resistance to change. We don't…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (19)
Capitulate = "cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand, surrender, give in, yield, submit, succumb". Sometime I wonder if we (me in particular) haven't capitulated to this disease too readily? I wonder if I haven't believed the medical assessment too quickly?…read moreTo Change Or Not To Change (1)
Change. Interesting word. Talk about change in a church setting and watch the reaction from most, if not all, those who heard you use "that" word!! My thought for the day is simple: You can have change without growth but you can't have growth without change. Many church leaders…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (18)
Today we travel up to Bathurst for 10 days R & R. Friends of ours have a lovely two bedroom cabin which they have made available to us for some "alone time" in the midst of this journey. Beautiful views across to the Blue Mountains as well as an abundance of wild life are just two of…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (17)
The disease is on the move. I know it. Bev knows it. I can't help but be inspired by Bev's attitude. She knows what is happening in her own body and yet there is a positive faith-filled response as she faces the challenge of what lies ahead. For me, one minute I am inspired but a short time…read more