Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (32)

    "The trial of faith" Man, how many times have I preached on that subject over the last 40 + years? It has not been a theoretical exercise, either. Trials we have had. Financial. Betrayal. Health. Relationships. But we have never faced a trial like the one that confronts us now. This…read more
  • Our Journey Through the Valley (31)

    MIKE: Well, this morning (July 14) was a high point as we continue our "Journey Through The Valley". Our Pastor invited Bev and I to have a "fireside chat" with him and that chat led to a time during which Bev was anointed with oil (as per James 5) and we had the opportunity of…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (30)

    Yesterday I saw a man in what I sensed to be the advanced stages of Motor Neurone Disease (MND). I didn't like what I saw. I hoped that what I was seeing was not a prophetic picture of what is ahead of us. We were attending the first meeting of an MND clinic during which time we met a number of…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (29)

    Sunday July 14th is a day to which we are looking forward with keen anticipation because the morning service at our Church will include a time when Bev will be anointed with oil as per James 5/16. Our Pastor is planning to have a "fire side chat" with Bev and I as part of the teaching…read more
  • Our Journey Through the Valley (28)

    When the two ambulance officers walked through our front door last Saturday, they took one look at me (Mike) and they said just two words, "morphine" and "hospital". The general opinion of those who know me seemed to be summarised by a third word, "stress". There has…read more
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