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Our Journey Through The Valley

Our Journey Through The Valley


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (27)

    In our last entry I referred to the fact that our faith "had taken a hit" when the Doctor told us that Bev's version of Motor Neurone Disease was the worst kind in terms of its outworking. Nonetheless we are fixed on the Lord. Job's test came through his wife when she told him to…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (26)

    I first need to apologise to those folk who regularly visit this blog in order to stay in touch with our journey. We have been away for a number of reasons and only now do we have an opportunity to bring our news up-to-date. Our blog entry (24) back on June 19th told of the death of Bev's…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (25)

    Our faith took a "hit" yesterday. Sometimes our enemy takes the foibles and frailties of our human condition and launches his attack at those points of vulnerability in our lives. Bev had a number of very "unpleasant tests" today involving fine needles, low voltage electricity…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (24)

    Over this last week our own journey has taken a dramatic shift of emphasis. One of our family relatives who had been increasingly unwell for some weeks was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukaemia. He and I (Mike) had developed a bond that welcomed me into his heart and mind as he confronted…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (23)

    MIKE: In the 13 years that I have had Parkinson's Disease, I have chosen not to join a Support Group. The idea of meeting with people who also have PD, many of whom are further down the track so far as the manifestation of symptoms is concerned....well, I'd rather not! I operate on a…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (22)

    BEV: My reading this morning led me back to the thought that our worship should not be for Sunday only but should be part of everyday life. This got me thinking that with my disease situation, my experience of faith in Jesus has to move in a new way from a Sunday experience to an…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (21)

    MIKE: Bev is having a great time with the trust and assurance that God is building into her heart - especially with the episode of Jesus in the boat in the storm (about which she wrote in the last episode. I am grateful for these insights she has because they reassure her and strengthen her…read more
  • Our Journey Throughh The Valley (20)

    BEV: I have been involved with a number of medical people in recent days which has involved brain scans etc. I have approached each involvement with a measure of trepidation because of ignorance on my part, not knowing what would happen. In the midst of all these activities, there is one passage…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (19)

    Capitulate = "cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand, surrender, give in, yield, submit, succumb". Sometime I wonder if we (me in particular) haven't capitulated to this disease too readily? I wonder if I haven't believed the medical assessment too quickly?…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (18)

    Today we travel up to Bathurst for 10 days R & R. Friends of ours have a lovely two bedroom cabin which they have made available to us for some "alone time" in the midst of this journey. Beautiful views across to the Blue Mountains as well as an abundance of wild life are just two of…read more
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